Thursday, 7 March 2013

When I Grow Up... again

If you've been anywhere near my Twitter or Facebook accounts, you've probably got a bit fed up with me going on about a certain short film that Kate Hunter, Matt Brothers, Luke Chidgey and I made back in January (with the help of some very generous and talented people, of course).

When I Grow Up was created for the Reed Short Film Competition and filmed back in January. Never ones to make life easy for ourselves, it took us a while to come up with our idea for this year’s theme - ambition. But once we did, despite postponed shoots due to snow, a frantic search for locations and a nail-bitingly tense upload and submission merely a few minutes before the deadline, things finally fell into place.

And I think I can speak on behalf of us all when I say that we were all very proud of what we achieved in such a short amount of time and with limited resources

Anyway, seeing as I’ve already clogged up various other social outlets promoting it, it would seem improper not to take this opportunity to show you the finished article...

Feedback: warmly welcomed. Likes and shares: met with unashamedly amorous thanks.