Saturday, 14 November 2009

Merry November!

Well it's that time of the year again. Every single shop in town is desperate to tell you how disorganised you are and how Christmas is just around the corner. The Christmas lights are up and everyone keeps saying 'hasn't this year gone quick.'

Well it's not over yet actually and I'm determined not to get too stressed/excited just yet. And here's why..

Because it ruins it.

Every year I go with the flow, starting conversations with people in shops about how I cant believe there's only just over a month to go. Then I start panicking about buying just the right presents for everyone. And then I decide it's not too early to watch Muppet's Christmas carol just to make sure I reach my quota of watching it at least 4 times before the big day.

And at this very moment I'm watching the over-long Christmas M&S advert with more toffee-nosed celebs than you can shake your zimmerframe at. It's a desperate attempt to make you think that you're not good enough to shop there, but if you do you will be. Sadly it works. Mince pies taste so much better when endorsed by Stephen Fry sprouting cheesy innuendo (Perhaps he should see a doctor about that).

It's all a vicious cycle really until you get to about the week before Christmas and decide that you really wish it was all over and done with. So then you have to go through it with gritted teeth when you'd really just rather curl up into a ball until the whole ordeal is over and done with. This happens without fail every year but this time I'm going to learn from my mistakes.

But it didn't used to be like this. Adulthood has taken a good intentioned celebration and turned it into a marketing strategy that makes everyone feel like crap.

Remember when you were little and you just used to sit there being fed an alternating diet of chocolate and turkey until the occassional present was thrown at you. The year I got a bike was particularly memorable for that reason.

Everywhere shops and advertisements are trying to get you to panic about every little last detail, stuff that makes you forget the most important part about Christmas.

No not baby Jesus (he's had enough wild parties to last him an eternity).


with family and friends and maybe some new people too. Because nobody cares if you forget to buy the stuffing, little timmy really doesn't need another selection box, and that person you got for secret santa doesn't really care what you get them. Just relax and enjoy November, It's such a neglected month.

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